Champaign - Caryn Happ
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Quanto costerà
Case simili
403 E 3rd Street, Brocton, IL 61917
5 Letti
2 Bagni
piedi quadrati
403 E 3rd Street, Brocton, IL 61917
Listing Courtesy Of: KELLER WILLIAMS-TREC, Caryn Happ, Caryn Happ
Stima fornita da Keller Williams Realty Inc.
5 Letti
2 Bagni
piedi quadrati
Casa aperta:
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Descrizione della proprietà

Are you looking for a home in the Shiloh School District? Look no further! Located on a large corner lot, this amazing 1.5 story home in Brocton is being sold as is, featuring 5 bedrooms and 1.5 baths. Check out the hardwood floors throughout, the beautiful original woodwork doors and trim and the amount of space offered in almost every room. Other features to adore include the tall ceilings throughout the main floor and the width of the hallway with the panty included. The large sitting room contains a wood burning fireplace as well as a unique and gorgeous rounded bay window, this space would make for the perfect area to enjoy a nice cup of coffee and book at anytime of the day! The master bedroom offers a great amount of space, there is one spacious room attached to it with a large closet. This would make for the perfect extra space for getting room or would even be good as an office! The unfinished attic could be finished or just used as an additional storage area. Make your way outside, there is lots of yard space but the large garage is worth mentioning as well. There is so much to see in this home, viewing it in person is a necessity! This home is one of a kind, and for this amount of space at that amazing price point.. schedule your showing before it's too late!

Dettagli sulla proprietà

Confronta con questa casa
Tipo di proprietà
Dimensione della proprietà
piedi quadrati
Anno di costruzione
Giorni in loco
442 giorni
Natural Gas, Window/Wall Units - 3+, Baseboard
7 Posti auto
The Caryn Happ Team

Storia dell'attività

Dati forniti da Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
Prossime case aperte
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Pagamento mensile stimato

Prezzo di acquisto:
Principale + Interessi
Imposta sulla proprietà
Assicurazione casa
Quota HOA/Condominio
Assicurazione ipotecaria
Prezzo di acquisto
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Quote HOA/Condominio /mese
Assicurazione ipotecaria /mese
Punteggio di credito
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Prezzo & Storico delle tasse

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The Caryn Happ Team

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